Open University of Yoga & Ayurveda
directed by Kiran Vyas

Sitar maestro

Literary and Artistic Days
30 May-1 June 2014
An exceptional gathering of experienced and aspiring writers, artists, musicians and dancers
2014 Theme: Art and the Sacred
Our guests since 5 years:
Marieke Aucante (Writer, journalist and TV director)
Irene Frain (Writer, author of Nabab)
Alain Porte (Sanskrit expert and translator of the Bhagavad Gita and «Mes seuls Dieux»)
Mandakini Narain (Producer, translator and English teacher)
Ferrante Ferranti (Photographeer. Co-author of Inde)
Satyan Jha (Teacher in India and France, specialist of André Malraux)
Vijay Singh (Novelist and filmmaker, author of "Jaya Ganga")
Amina Okada (Chief curator at the Guimet Museum)
Michel Cazenave (Writer specialized in myths and CG Jung)
Malavika (Dancer)
Ustad Usman Khan (Sitar player, one of the great masters of Indian music)
Edgar Morin ( French sociologist and philosopher. Author of the concept “co-constructivism ")
Christine Jordis (Writer, journalist for Le Monde, member of the reading committee of Gallimard, specialist in English letters)
Sujata Bajaj (Painter)
​Bernard Werber (French writer well known for his trilogy on Ants.)
Marieke Aucante (Writer, journalist and TV director)
Jean Mouttapa (Philosopher and writer in spirituality and humanism)
Rachel Guimbaud (Director of the documentary film "forces de femmes")
Father Yvon Lemince (Catholic priest at the archbishop of Paris)
Brigitte Chataignier (Dancer and choreographer of Mohiniattam. Co. Prana. Film: The dance of the enchantress)
Martine Le Coz (Writer and painter)
Maxime Ferrier (Artist painter)
Gilles Lapouge (Writer)
Bang Haija (Artist painter)
Sébastien Ortiz (Writer )
Mitchelée (Baule singer)
David Hykes (Composer-singer, founder of Harmonic Chant,
Directs the " Harmonic Presence " foundation- France / USA)